Books Kids! Helping Young Children Create Their Own Books

Door: Nelsen - 1993

6 Beoordelingen


Personal Growth

6 Recensies van onze community


Catalonia, Spain

1 Beoordelingen

0 Sympathieën

  -  2024-10-16
A good book to teach our kids how to write their own stories. Nice design, good price. I love it,


Region Metropolitana, Chile

2 Beoordelingen

0 Sympathieën

  -  2024-03-12
It is a pretty nice book, I gave it to a little cousin and I helped her by reading it, so from my perspective it is very healthy and easy to understand


Veneto, Italy

3 Beoordelingen

0 Sympathieën

  -  2023-03-19
"Questo libro è un'ottima risorsa per i bambini piccoli che vogliono esprimere la propria creatività attraverso la scrittura e l'illustrazione. Le istruzioni chiare e le attività coinvolgenti rendono il processo divertente e stimolante."


Ontario, Canada

1 Beoordelingen

0 Sympathieën

  -  2022-03-07
Great book! Highly recommend! It should be more well known within the community to enhance learning. I would give it a 4/5.


England, United Kingdom

3 Beoordelingen

4 Sympathieën

  -  2021-04-13
I had not heard about this scheme until today. I visited their website and I think it is a great idea. This will be educational for children and it is for a good cause too.


Lusaka, Zambia

4 Beoordelingen

0 Sympathieën

  -  2020-05-27
the book yah its good for teaching kids i dont even know why people dont get to see this its a great book for out kids when i was reading it to my kid teaching him how to he has been so much interested now he wrote a comic book were i was the main character.