Catfish: The TV Show Brazil


10 Commentaires

TV Shows


10 Avis de notre communauté


Jalisco, Mexico

1 Commentaires

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  -  2024-09-04
Catfish es una gran serie, me gustó mucho porque ayudan a encontrar a las personas de los perfiles falsos y te da grandes ejemplos sobre las personas como son en realidad si la recomiendo


Washington, United States

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  -  2024-08-17
A great show, I loved the first episodes, was hooked qnd couldn't stop watching. I strongly recommend watching the show.


Michigan, United States

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  -  2024-05-13
This is such a great TV show I loved watching it because this kind of things really do happen so just watch out when your talking to someone you have never met.


Para, Brazil

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  -  2023-11-03
Muito interessante na minha opinião uma vez que eu assistir apesar de que em poucos segundos na verdade mausde meia hora


Arizona, United States

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  -  2023-10-11
Brazil was a very entertaining show it kept me on the edge of my seat with all the outrageous situations that the people involved in the show are involved with and it was thrilling to watch the entire


Washington, United States

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  -  2023-07-21
The idea of being catfished is enough to make anyone stay offline. The show highlights to pros and cons of online dating and people's ability to fool one another. The gentleman are relatable and know their material.


Andalucia, Spain

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  -  2023-02-07
Si maravillas de serie un buen entrenamiento y serie muy completa para ver en familia y unos actores maravilloso que se mete muy bien en su parte


Comunidad Valenciana, Spain

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  -  2022-12-06
Es muy entretenida de ver, y lo más interesante es que es sobre casos reales, lo recomiendo 100% Este es de Brasil, pero hay de varios países


Indiana, United States

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  -  2022-06-25
I absolutely love this show! It gives you a whole new perspective on how crazy people can be when it comes to trying to trick people into believing they are someone else.


Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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  -  2022-05-29
Adoro o programa porque eles ajudam adesmascarado as pessoas pesquisando perfis falsos que estão em contato com uma pessoa específica